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About Endermologie


About LPG Endermologie®

Endermologie® is a Health Canada approved soft tissue therapy. A French scientist, Louis Paul Guitay, developed it in 1986 after he suffered burns and muscle damage in a traumatic accident. His soft tissue therapies were time consuming, labor intensive, and the outcome varied based on the skill of the individual therapist. As a result, Guitay designed the Endermologie® system, which used a mechanical method to produce the effects of manual treatments. This mechanical system allowed the therapy to be performed quicker and in a more consistent fashion.

Soon after, the Endermologie® devices began to be used to treat traumas and burn scars similar to those suffered by Guitay. During this therapeutic use, physicians quickly noticed Endermologie’s ability to reduce fat distribution in patients and reduce the appearance of cellulite as well as firm the skin; this lead to its utilization in body sculpting, spa and plastic surgery settings.

Endermologie® naturally reactivates cellular activity by mechanical stimulation via several channels such as frequency, suction and independent motorized rollers.  Benefits of Endermologie® include accelerated blood and lymphatic circulation, production of collagen and elastin, adipocyte slimming (fat loss acceleration), reduction in fibrosed tissue and muscle spasms as well as increased healing. Also, Endermologie® can be used on any skin type or colour.

Used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, Endermologie® is able to produce results that go above & beyond diet and exercise alone in order to help people look and feel their best. 

Applications for Endermologie® included: Cellulite, Slimming, Weight loss, Postpartum, Stretch marks, Menopause, Belly, Saddlebags, Water retention, Tired legs, Aqueous cellulite, Pre & Post-lipo, Cutaneous slacking, Ageing of the face, Wrinkles, Turkey neck and Double chin as well as Muscle tension & Spasming, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, Fibromyalgia and MPS.

Initially, 2 sessions per week are recommended, and then less frequent sessions are undertaken as needed (determined at a personalized client evaluation). 

Average length of treatment: 20-50 minutes depending on the focus areas and type of treatment.

Backed by more than 100 Scientific Studies completed by the Cosire Institute of France. Come discover why over 200,000 people a day in over 110 countries get treated with Endermologie®! ​​